Radial Integration | 2016

Payments, Tax & Fraud > Payments Processing

Payments Processing

Payments processing is organized by tender type, with separate sets of API calls to handle payments by credit cards, gift cards, and PayPal.

See the following pages for processes that apply to multiple tender types:

Credit Card Processing

For an overview, see Credit Card Processing. See the following pages for API reference:

Apple Pay Processing

For an overview, see Apple Pay Processing. See the following pages for API reference:

Gift Card Processing

For an overview, see Gift Card Processing. See the following pages for API reference:

PayPal Processing

For an overview, see PayPal Processing. See the following pages for API reference:

Payment Vault

A vault is used for managing a shopper's tenders and can hold multiple tenders. See the following pages for API reference:

Encryption and Security

For processes related to transaction security and encryption, see the following pages:

Payments Code Samples

The following code samples are available, using programming languages Java and PHP.

API Schemas

For links to XSD files for Payments APIs, see Payments API Schemas.


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