Radial Integration | 2016

Payments, Tax & Fraud > Payments Processing > Payment Vault > Vault Add Credit Card

Vault Add Credit Card


The VaultAddCreditCard API call adds a credit card to an existing and active vault. Subsequently, the VaultPayment API call can use the credit card for payments. VaultAddCreditCard will fail for a deleted or inactive vault.

URI Summary

Action URI Template URI Example Non-URI Request Response
POST /v1.0/stores/[StoreId]/payments/
XML 200 + XML Response containing the response status of adding the credit card to the vault.

Request Format

The request is a VaultAddCreditCardRequest message.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<VaultAddCreditCardRequest xmlns="http://api.gsicommerce.com/schema/checkout/1.0"
  <PaymentAccountUniqueId isToken="false">4111111111111111</PaymentAccountUniqueId>
      <Line1>123 Main St</Line1>
      <Line2>Building 123</Line2>
      <Line3>4th Floor</Line3>
      <Line4>Apt 12</Line4>

Request Elements

Element Required Description Type Restriction
VaultId Yes Unique identifier for the vault. String 1 to 38 numeric characters
PaymentAccountUniqueId Yes: either PaymentAccountUniqueId or EncryptedPayment AccountUniqueId must be present Either a raw PAN (payment account number such as a credit card number) or a token representing a PAN. String Max 22 characters
Yes (when PaymentAccountUniqueId is present) Attribute indicates whether the payment account number is tokenized. String true or false
EncryptedPaymentAccountUniqueId Yes: either PaymentAccountUniqueId or EncryptedPayment AccountUniqueId must be present Client-encrypted PAN. Used for clients who use client-side encryption to encrypt credit card numbers in the JavaScript that runs in their browser. For a webstore that is not PCI compliant, client-side encryption ensures that the webstore never sees raw PANs. String Max 1000 characters
ExpirationDate Yes Expiration date of the credit card. String yyyy-MM (year followed by month)
CardSecurityCode Yes: either CardSecurityCode or EncryptedCard SecurityCode must be present CVV2 code on the back of the credit card. String 3 or 4 digits


Yes: either CardSecurityCode or EncryptedCard SecurityCode must be present Encrypted form of CVV2 code on the back of the credit card. String 1000 digits
CurrencyCode Yes The currency used for the transaction. Currency code Currency codes are defined by ISO 4217:2008. Examples: USD, CAD, EUR
No Salutation of the customer. String 10 characters.
Yes Last name of the customer. String 64 characters.
No Middle name of the customer. String 40 characters.
Yes First name of the customer. String 64 characters.
Yes Line# components of the billing street address including, if necessary, suite and building identifiers for the physical address. Line1 is required. Other Line# components are optional. String Max 70 characters
No String Max 70 characters
No String Max 70 characters
No String Max 70 characters
Yes The city of the customer's billing address. String Max 40 characters
Yes Two- or three-digit postal abbreviation for the state or province. The ISO 3166-2 code is recommended, but not required. String Max 30 characters
Yes Two-digit country code. The ISO 3166 alpha 2 code is recommended, but not required. String 2-40 characters
Depends on country. Yes for US and Canada. String of letters and/or numbers that specifies the delivery area more closely than the city alone (for example, US ZIP code). String Max 30 characters
CustomerPhone Yes Phone number of the customer making the purchase. Used for realtime fraud checking by API and payment processors. String Max 70 characters
CustomerEmail Yes Email address of the customer making the purchase. Used for realtime fraud checking by API and payment processors. String Max 70 characters
Notes No Memo or alias associated with the specific tender, can be changed by the customer. String Max 512 characters
sessionId Yes Identifies a request message; used to protect against duplicate request processing. String Up to 40 Characters

Response Format

The response is a VaultAddCreditCardReply message.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<VaultAddCreditCardReply xmlns="http://api.gsicommerce.com/schema/checkout/1.0">

Response Elements

Element Required Description Type Restriction
VaultId Yes Vault identifier echoed back from the request message. String 1 to 38 numeric characters
VaultTenderId Yes New vault tender identifier for the credit card added to the vault. String 1 to 40 characters
ResponseCode Yes Response Code returned from Payment Service. String Success, Failure
Reason No Reason information for success or failure. String No restrictions


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