Radial Integration | 2016

Payments, Tax & Fraud > Payments Processing > Payment Vault > Vault Add Paypal

Vault Add Paypal


The VaultAddPayPal API call adds a PayPal account to an active vault. Subsequently, the VaultPayment API call can use the PayPal account for payments. VaultAddPayPal will fail for a deleted or inactive vault.

URI Summary

Action URI Template URI Example Non-URI Request Response
POST /v1.0/stores/[StoreId]/payments/
XML 200 + XML Response containing the response status of adding a paypal account to the vault.

Request Format

The request is a VaultAddPayPalRequest message.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<VaultAddPayPalRequest xmlns="http://api.gsicommerce.com/schema/checkout/1.0"

Request Elements

Element Required Description Type Restriction
VaultId Yes Unique identifier for the vault. String 1 to 38 numeric characters
InitialOrderId Yes This identifier typically ties payment transactions to an order. Note that this identifier must be the initial web or subscription order ID or the PaymentSessionId, which is used to look up initial PayPal recurring billing agreement details. String Max 20 characters
CurrencyCode Yes The currency used for the transaction. Currency code Currency codes are defined by ISO 4217:2008. Examples: USD, CAD, EURSee http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217
Notes No Memo or alias associated with the specific tender; can be changed by the customer. String Max 512 characters
sessionId No Identifies a request message; used to protect against duplicate request processing. String Up to 40 Characters.

Response Format

The response is a VaultAddPayPalReply message.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<VaultAddPayPalReply xmlns="http://api.gsicommerce.com/schema/checkout/1.0">

Response Elements

Element Required Description Type Restriction
VaultId Yes Vault identifier echoed back from the request message String 1 to 38 numeric characters
VaultTenderId Yes New vault tender identifier for the PayPal account added to the vault. String 1 to 40 characters
ResponseCode Yes Response Code returned from Payment Service. String Success, Failure
Reason No Reason information for success or failure. String No restrictions


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