Radial Integration | 2016

Payments, Tax & Fraud > Payments Processing > Payment Vault > Vault Update Stored Value

Vault Update Stored Value


The VaultUpdateStoredValue API call updates the selected/unselected status of an existing Gift Card Vault tender.
A vault can have multiple active gift card tenders which are all selected at the same time.

URI Summary

Action URI Template URI Example Non-URI Request Response
POST /v1.0/stores/[StoreId]/payments/
XML 200 + XML Response containing the response status of updating an existing gift card tender vault.

Request Format

The request is a VaultUpdateStoredValueRequest message.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<VaultUpdateStoredValueRequest xmlns="http://api.gsicommerce.com/schema/checkout/1.0"

Request Elements

Element Required Description Type Restriction
VaultId Yes Unique identifier for the vault. String 1 to 38 numeric characters
VaultTenderId Yes Unique identifier for the vault tender. String 1 to 40 characters
Selected Yes Indicates whether the vault tender is selected or not selected. boolean 1 to 40 characters
Notes No Memo or alias associated with the specific tender; can be changed by the customer. String Max 512 characters
sessionId Yes Identifies a request message; used to protect against duplicate request processing. String Up to 40 characters

Response Format

The response is a VaultUpdateStoredValueReply message.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<VaultUpdateStoredValueReply xmlns="http://api.gsicommerce.com/schema/checkout/1.0">
        <TenderDescription>gift certificate</TenderDescription>

Response Elements

Element Required Description Type Restriction
VaultId Yes Vault identifier echoed back from the request message String 1 to 38 numeric characters
VaultTenderId Yes Vault tender identifier of the gift card updated String 1 to 40 characters
Active Yes The status of the vault tender: true if active; false if inactive. Boolean true or false
TenderClass Yes The tender class value of the gift card. Enum PrivateLabelCreditCard, CreditCard, StoredValue, PayPal
TenderType Yes The tender type value of the gift card. String Min 2 and max 4 characters
TenderTypeDescription Yes Identifies the actual tender to the user. String Max 70 characters
MaskedPan Yes Represents the PaymentAccountUniqueId in a masked format. String Max 22 characters
Selected Yes Indicates whether a given vault tender is selected. A selected tender would be used for payments. Boolean true or false


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