Radial Integration | 2016

Payments, Tax & Fraud > Payments Processing > Credit Card Processing > Credit Card Authorization Response Codes

Credit Card Authorization Response Codes


The Payment Service authorizes a credit card transaction and sends a response message. The message contains an authorization response code that indicates whether the transaction was approved, timed out, or declined.

Response Code


Recommended Handling*


Send the order to the oms where the all of the auth response data will be processed by the fraud screen service. Payment service has a rule table that looks at the processor's response code, reason code, avs code and cvv2 codes and maps them to one of the values defined in this type

Order can be accepted and released to order management system, only if it passes fraud/risk service check and order management system have the ability to retry and get valid authorization before releasing the shipment


The authorization was approved

The order should be accepted


The billing address could not be validated

Prompt the customer to correct address details. A maximum number of attempts can be configured. After that number of attempts has been reached, order should be accepted


The card security code could not be validated

Prompt the customer to correct card security code details. A maximum number of attempts can be configured. After that number of attempts has been reached, order should be accepted**


Both the billing address and the card security code could not be validated

Prompt the customer to correct address and card security code details. A maximum number of attempts can be configured. After that number of attempts has been reached, order should be accepted


The authorization was declined

Prompt customer to complete the order using alternate card or tender. A maximum number of attempts can be configured. After that number of attempts has been reached, order should be accepted


The authorization was declined due to a lack of funds or credit

Prompt customer to complete the order using alternate card or tender. A maximum number of attempts can be configured. After that number of attempts has been reached, order should be accepted


The authorization was declined because the card has been reported lost or stolen

The order should be immediately accepted. Fraud will handle canceling the order, the order data is needed for analytics purposes


The payment processor did not respond

A maximum number of retry attempts can be configured. Order can be accepted and released to order management system after all the retry attempts are exhausted, only if order management system have the ability to retry and get valid authorization before releasing the shipment***

*Please note that the Recommended Handling is only a recommendation. It needs to be ensured that proper checks are in place at either Fraud or Order Management System to appropriately determine if the order needs to be held, unless proper Authorization is on file. This is applicable for all cases except for when Response Code is APPROVED.

**CSC Response Code should be treated as APPROVED when the transaction is of Digital Wallet type.

***In case a timeout is encountered while processing Digital Wallet transactions like Apple Pay authorization request, please handle as below to avoid risk associated with customer account corruption:

  1. Re-initiate transaction from customer's mobile wallet (if possible), to submit new authorization request using new blob generated
  2. If not, ask customer to complete the order providing alternate tender
  3. Do not accept order with Digital Wallet timeout for sending it to order management system (if applicable), as no re-authorization is supported for this type of transaction


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