This tutorial covers how to use ROM APIs with your shopping cart and checkout flow, to see your customers orders through successful completion. The guide covers the following processes:
how to check for available inventory
how to validate postal addresses
how to obtain an estimated delivery dates for all of the lines in an order
how to get a tax quote for an order
how to validate payments and obtain authorization
how to submit an order to ROM
To use the ROM API, you’ll need to obtain the following information from Radial:
Your Radial-assigned store identifier
Your ROM API key
The base URL for the HTTPs endpoints
The sections linked below describe the suggested integration touch points for activities in your cart and checkout flow. Your application can interact with ROM by sending HTTPS POST requests to ROM endpoints.
Before working with the use cases, please review the Radial Data Value Conventions used by the ROM API platform.
Real Time ROM Integration Use Cases
The following pages explain in detail how to integrate with the ROM real-time API for specific use cases.
The how-to documentation provides more detail on the use of each of the ROM APIs.