Radial Integration | 2016

Retail Order Management > Order Processing > Order Management API Tutorial > Handling Failed Order Submission

Handling Failed Order Submission

Sometimes when you finalize an order for submission, something will go wrong. For example, payment authorization can fail, or stock for one or more items on the order can sell out after being added to the cart.

When the order submission process fails, any resources bound to the order must be reversed.

Canceling Inventory Reservations for the Order

Any inventory reserved for the order must be reversed by calling the ROM Rollback Allocation API.

Reversing Payment Authorizations for the Order

Any funds bound to the order must be reversed by using the ROM Payment API. The API used depends on the tender type.

The table below summarizes the API to use based on tender type.

Tender Type Payment API For more details see

Credit Card

Payment Authorization Cancel API

Credit Card Processing

Private Label Credit Card

Payment Authorization Cancel API

Credit Card Processing

Stored Value Card

Gift Card Redeem Void API

Gift Card Processing


For a full discussion about PayPal processing please see PayPal Processing

PayPal Processing


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