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Retail Order Management > Order Processing > Order Management API Tutorial > How to Build an Order Create API Request > OrderCreateRequest Payment Examples

OrderCreateRequest Payment Examples

The Payments element in OrderCreateRequest can contain different element types depending on the payment methods. Each of these types have different information that is expected. This page will cover some examples of the different payment types.

CreditCard Visa

The How to Build an Order Create API Request page uses a visa credit card in its example.

CreditCard American Express

An American Express credit card requires some extra data that other credit cards do not require. A PhoneResponseCode, NameResponseCode, and EmailResponseCode come back from CreditCardAuthReply; these elements must be copied as-is to the OrderCreateRequest for fraud processing. See mapping.

<OrderCreateRequest xmlns="http://api.gsicommerce.com/schema/checkout/1.0"
    <Order customerOrderId="12345">
                        <PaymentSessionId>12345</PaymentSessionId>                        <TenderType>AM</TenderType>                        <PaymentAccountUniqueId isToken="true">123abc</PaymentAccountUniqueId>                    </PaymentContext>                    <PaymentRequestId>456xyz</PaymentRequestId>                    <CreateTimeStamp>2016-02-12T23:08:20+00:00</CreateTimeStamp>                    <Amount>12.34</Amount>                    <Authorization>                        <ResponseCode>APPROVED</ResponseCode>                        <BankAuthorizationCode>123456</BankAuthorizationCode>                        <CVV2ResponseCode>M</CVV2ResponseCode>                        <AVSResponseCode>AM</AVSResponseCode>                        <PhoneResponseCode>U</PhoneResponseCode> (1)
                        <NameResponseCode>Y</NameResponseCode> (2)
                        <EmailResponseCode>N</EmailResponseCode> (3)
1 The extra required PhoneResponseCode for Amex cards.
2 The extra required NameResponseCode for Amex cards.
3 The extra required EmailResponseCode for Amex cards.


PayPal can be a payment method and shares some information from PayPalDoAuthorizationReply. See mapping.

<OrderCreateRequest xmlns="http://api.gsicommerce.com/schema/checkout/1.0"
    <Order customerOrderId="12345">
                    <Amount>12.34</Amount> (1)
                    <AmountAuthorized>12.34</AmountAuthorized> (2)
                        <PaymentSessionId>123456</PaymentSessionId> (3)
                        <TenderType>PY</TenderType> (4)
                        <PaymentAccountUniqueId isToken="true">PAYPAL</PaymentAccountUniqueId> (5)
                    <CreateTimeStamp>2016-02-01T04:58:34</CreateTimeStamp> (6)
                    <PaymentRequestId>123456abcdef</PaymentRequestId> (7)
                        <ResponseCode>APPROVED</ResponseCode> (8)
1 The amount this payment method is for (should match with AmountAuthorized) (required).
2 The amount authorized to use this payment method for (should match with Amount) (required).
3 The PaymentSessionId should always be the orderId (required).
4 The TenderType should be PY, for PayPal (required).
5 The PaymentAccountUniqueId should have isToken set to true and the value PAYPAL (required).
6 The time this payment was authorized (required).
7 The PaymentRequestId is the same as you sent in the PayPalDoAuthorizationRequest (required).
8 The ResponseCode should be APPROVED if the response code from PayPalDoAuthorizationReply was Success, otherwise the payment method shouldn’t be used (required).

StoredValueCard Gift Card

Stored value cards like physical gift cards or online gift cards can be used as payment methods. A stored value card should only be used if a StoredValueRedeemReply returned a Success response code. See mapping.

<OrderCreateRequest xmlns="http://api.gsicommerce.com/schema/checkout/1.0"
    <Order customerOrderId="12345">
                        <PaymentSessionId>123456</PaymentSessionId> (1)
                        <TenderType>SP</TenderType> (2)
                        <PaymentAccountUniqueId isToken="true">123abc</PaymentAccountUniqueId>  (3)
                    <PaymentRequestId>456xyz</PaymentRequestId>  (3)
                    <CreateTimeStamp>2016-02-17T18:02:28+00:00</CreateTimeStamp>  (4)
                    <Pin>1234</Pin>  (5)
                    <Amount>12.34</Amount>  (6)
1 The PaymentSessionId should always be the orderId (required).
2 The tender type for a gift card is provider specific (required).
3 The PaymentAccountUniqueId comes from the StoredValueRedeemReply (required). See mapping.
4 The time this payment was authorized (required).
5 The code associated with the gift card or gift certificate.
6 The amount being redeemed on the stored value card (required).


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