Radial Integration | 2016

Retail Order Management > Order Processing > Order Management API Tutorial > How to Build an Order Create API Request > TaxDutyQuoteResponse → OrderCreateRequest

TaxDutyQuoteResponse → OrderCreateRequest

There is tax information throughout the Pricing section on each OrderItem in an OrderCreateRequest. This tax information comes from the TaxDutyQuoteResponse. The mappings and examples below will stop at TaxData elements because they are the same type in each request; they map to each other perfectly. As such the mappings and examples will focus on where these TaxData elements are in the TaxDutyQuoteResponse and OrderCreateRequest.

Promotion-related tax information is left out of this mapping because the TaxDutyQuoteResponse will always return zeroes (0) for it. You do not need to worry about copying these zero values over to OrderCreateRequest (though doing so will not harm anything either).

In addition to the item-specific tax data, there is an order-level Tax Transaction ID. This value, found in /TaxDutyQuoteResponse/TaxTransactionid, can optionally be copied to /OrderCreateRequest/Order/TaxHeader/@taxTransactionId.


The TaxDutyQuoteResponse field mappings start at: /TaxDutyQuoteResponse/Shipping/ShipGroups/ShipGroup/Items/OrderItem/Pricing

The OrderCreateRequest field mappings start at: /OrderCreateRequest/Order/OrderItems/OrderItem/Pricing

The OrderItem elements are matched up by the lineNumber attribute for TaxDutyQuoteResponse and the webLineId attribute for OrderCreateRequest.

TaxDutyQuoteResponse Field OrderCreateRequest Field Transform Comment



copy as is



copy as is



copy as is



copy as is

Mapping Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <ShipGroup id="shipgroup_1" chargeType="FLATRATE">
        <DestinationTarget ref="dest_1"/>
          <OrderItem lineNumber="1"> (1)
            <ItemId>12-345</ItemId> (2)
                <TaxData> (3)
                <TaxData> (4)
                <TaxData> (5)
                    <TaxData> (6)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <Order customerOrderId="12345">
      <OrderItem id="orderItem1" webLineId="1"> (1)
        <ItemId>12-345</ItemId> (2)
            <TaxData> (3)
            <TaxData> (4)
            <TaxData> (5)
              <TaxData> (6)
  <TaxHeader taxTransactionId=”3721007”>


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