Radial Integration | 2016

Retail Order Management > Order Processing > Order Management API Tutorial > Adding Shipping Information to the Order

Adding Shipping Information to the Order

When your checkout flow collects a shipping address and shipping method from the shopper, it can use ROM API calls to validate the shipping address, get a delivery estimate for each line, and get a tax quote on the order. The following sections provide details.

Validate Ship to Address

A shipping address added by the shopper to the order can be validated by using the ROM address validation API.

Get Estimated Delivery Dates for each Order Line

You can get get an estimated delivery date for each item in an order by making a request to the ROM inventory details API.

The inventory details API also returns a likely ship from address for each line item. This ship from address is required input for the ROM tax quote API described in the next section.

Get a Tax Quote for the Order

Once the order has shipping information you can get a tax quote by using the ROM Tax Quote API.

Next: Adding Billing Information to the Order


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