Radial Integration | 2016

Working with Radial APIs > Feeds: Batch File APIs > Item Master Feed

Item Master Feed


The Item Master provides Radial with the client’s product information at the SKU level. Data drives theRadial ERP and WMS system and is the foundation for building the webstore database. Radial receives new items and changes to existing items in this file. The Item Master file is used in four types of Radial implementations:

For additional context, see Build an Item Catalog.


When you send an update for an item record, the new data overwrites the existing data for that item. Because the full item record is overwritten with each update, you must send the full set of information for each item, and not just the changed fields.


Item Master schema: ItemMaster-CommonIntegration.xsd

API Structure

Item Master element table: ItemMaster-CommonIntegration.xsd.html

The following table describes elements used for Store Fulfillment (standalone) and Dropship Manager. It does not list all of the elements used in ROM; see the Item Master element table for an explanation of those common elements.

              Occurs Store Fulfillment Dropship Manager Retail Order Management Description
M = Mandatory; C = Conditional; X = Not used                      
Field Name                      
ItemMaster             1        
  MessageHeader           1       See sample data for default values
    Standard           M M M  
    HeaderVersion           M M M  
    VersionReleaseNumber           M M M  
    SourceData         1        
      SourceId         M M M  
      SourceType         M M M  
    DestinationData         1        
      DestinationId         M M M  
      DestinationType         M M M  
    MessageData         1        
      MessageId         M M M Unique value per file
      CorrelationId         M M M Unique value per file
    CreateDateAndTime           M M M  
  Item           1…n        
      ClientItemId         M M M Advertised SKU number; clients unique sku identifier
      GTIN       1…n        
        IdNumber       C C C UPC Code
      ManufacturerItemId         X X C  
    BaseAttributes         1        
      CatalogClass         X X M See ROM Item Master element table for list
      IsDropShipped         X M M

Valid values are:

  • true
  • false
      ItemDescription         M M M SKU Description
      ItemType         X X M Describes type of SKU, such as merchandise, Gift Wrap, Gift Card, etc. See ROM Item Master element table documentation for list.
      ItemStatus         X X M See ROM Item Master element table for list
      TaxCode         X X M Vertex Tax Code
      Hierarchy       1       Hierarchy values are assigned by Radial
        DeptNumber       M M M  
        DeptDescription       C C C  
        SubDeptNumber       M M M  
        SubDeptDescription       C C C  
        ClassNumber       M M M  
        ClassDescription       C C C  
        SubClass       M M M  
        SubClassDescription       C C C  
    DropShipSupplierInformation         1        
      SupplierPrefix         X M C 290 if Radial Paid; 350 if Client Paid
      SupplierName         X M C Supplier name
      SupplierNumber         X M C Radial Assigned Supplier Number
      SupplierPartNumber         X M C Supplier's SKU unique identifier
    ExtendedAttributes         1        
      Brand       1        
        Name       X X C  
        @lang       X X C  
        Description       X X C  
      ColorAttributes       1        
            Code   C C C Color Code
            @lang   C C C  
            Description   C C C Color Description
      CountryOfOrigin         C C C Country of Origin
      ItemDimension       1        
          @unit_of_measure     X X C  
            Weight   X X C  
            Width   C C C  
            Length   C C C  
            Height   C C C  
      Price         C C M  
      SalesClass         X X M See ROM Item Master element table for list
      SerialNumberType         C C C  
      SizeAttributes       1        
          Code     C C C Size Code
        @lang       C C C  
          Description     C C C Size Description
      Style       1        
        StyleID       M M C Style ID
        StyleDescription       C C C Style Description
      UnitCost         X M C Supplier's cost for the SKU
    CustomAttributes         1        
      Attribute       1..n        
Possible attributes include:                      
      DryIceWeight         C C X DryIceWeight
      Freight         C C X Freight Charge
      ShipAloneQty         C C X 1 = Ship alone; 0 = does not need to ship alone
      HostDescription         C C X HostDescription
      VendorDescription         C C X VendorDescription
      LeadDays         X C X Vendor’s lead days for the item.
      Handling         X C X Handling Charge
    EB2C         1        
      ItemImageURLs       1…n        
        @type       C C C  
        @view       C C C  
        @height       C C C  
        @width       C C C  
        ImageURL       C C C  

Note:  * Store Fulfillment and Dropship Manager support both Main and Thumbnail Image URLS; refer to the following examples to see how this works.

Item Types

Item types include both physical and virtual items. They are defined by the ItemType element in the Item Master feed.

For an order to be completed correctly, the client’s item catalog must contain all physical and virtual items that may be sold on the webstore and that would be passed in the order message. The Order Management System consumes the list of items sent by the client and cannot add order lines.

The following table lists the most common ItemType values.

Item Type Description


Customization. A virtual item that represents a charge to the consumer to customize another item. The customization item includes a description of the customization options selected by the customer; for example, "Monogramming" or "Team jersey customization". Each type of customization offered to consumers must be defined as an individual item. A customization item is passed in the order message along with the item being customized.


Donation. A virtual item that represents a consumer's donation to a charitable cause.


Physical gift card. The gift card is fulfilled and then activated before the consumer receives the gift card in the shipment. Each option offered (such as choices of visual design or denominations) should be created as a separate item.

The value of the gift card is always passed in the order line. Tthe client has the choice of creating a separate item for each possible dollar value of the gift card or by using one gift card SKU. If a single SKU is used for gift cards, then store reports generated at the SKU level provide less specific information about gift cards.


This item contains a gift message.


Gift wrap. A physical item representing gift wrap or a gift box. If multiple options (for example, choices of designs or colors of gift wrap or gift boxes) are offered, each option must be created as a separate item.


A physical merchandise item, such as a shirt, a blender, or a coupon insert. At a typical store, the vast majority of items sold are Merch items.


Online gift certificate that is hosted and processed by Radial. OGCs are Radial's in-house product for gift certificates that don’t have a physical card associated with them, just a payment account number and PIN.


Post-sale fulfillment. A virtual item classified separately from other virtual item types such as Donation or Warranty SKUs. These items are not fulfilled from a warehouse and should not be printed on a packing slip.


Refund Physical Gift Cards are used when refunding the value of a return or a price adjustment to the consumer when a physical gift card was used as a tender in the original sale. This item type would be used for accounting purposes to differentiate refunds from the original tender.

This Item Type is optional. If not used, any refunds to the return order where a physical gift card was used reissue a GC item and not the RefundGC item.


Refund online gift certificate. The "Refund" categorization is used for accounting purposes to differentiate refunds from the original tender.


Refund online gift certificate issued against a COD order.


Refund online gift certificate issued against a CVS order.


Refund virtual gift cards. Used when refunding the value of a return or a price adjustment to the consumer when a virtual gift card was used as a tender in the original sale. This item type is used for accounting purposes to differentiate refunds from the original tender.

It is optional to use this item type. If not used, any refunds to the return order where a virtual gift card was used reissue a VGC item and not the RefundVGC item


Virtual gift card. The gift card is not physically fulfilled, but is activated in the same way a physical gift card is. VGC is functionally similar to OGC, but processed by a third-party gift-card provider (for example, SVS or ValueLink).


Product warranty. A virtual item representing a warranty purchased for another physical item on the order.


Dependent warranty. Can only be purchased with another item. Is not included in search results.


Warranty item can be sold independently or with the purchase of another item. Is included in search results.


A type of installation service that can be purchased with another item. When searching, this item is not returned in the search results. This item cannot be purchased alone.


A type of installation service that can be purchased independently or with another item. Is included in search results.

ExtendedAttributes Elements

Within each item record, the ExtendedAttributes complex element encloses several attributes that describe the item's size, color, style, and other information. For successful processing, the elements within ExtendedAttributes must be listed in alphabetical order, as in the following simplified example.


Dropship Required Elements

For items that are fulfilled by drop-ship, the item entry must include the elements listed in the following example.

             <UnitCost currency_code="CAD">33.6</UnitCost>

Custom Attributes

Custom attributes can be defined in the Item Master/Item/Custom Attributes element. You can use custom attributes to pass data elements that are not explicitly defined in the Item Master schema. Each custom attribute is specified in an <Attribute> element, with a name (Attribute@name) and a value (Attribute/Value), as shown in the following example.

         <Attribute name="OriginalClient">

Custom Attributes for Order Brokering Service

The SourcingOverride and SourcingPreference custom attributes are used in connection with the Order Brokering Service (OBS). For clients using OBS, if an item on a line is defined with a SourcingOverride value, the line is routed to the network indicated by the item's SourcingOverride value. Possible values for SourcingOverride are StoreOnly or DCOnly.

<Attribute name="SourcingOverride" operation_type="Add" is_list="false" dt="string">

If an item on a line is defined with a SourcingPreference value, the line is routed to the network indicated by the value of the sourcingOverride flag if the indicated network has available inventory for the item on the line. If the indicated network can only partially fulfill the line, OBS will attempt to complete the line by splitting it: consuming all of the available inventory in the preferred network, assigning all or as much of the remaining quantity as possible to the other network solution. Possible values for SourcingPreference are DC or Store.

<Attribute name="SourcingPreference" operation_type="Add" is_list="false" dt="string">

Item Master Examples

ClosedVarious Item Types: ROM Implementation

The following example Item Master file includes examples of items of several different item types.

   <Item operation_type="Change" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         <ItemDescription>Physical Gift Card</ItemDescription>
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
               <Description>Not Applicable</Description>
               <Mass unit_of_measure="lb">
               <Packaging unit_of_measure="cm">
               <Description>NOT APPLICABLE</Description>
         <Attribute name="MinGCAmount">
         <Attribute name="MaxGCAmount">
         <Attribute name="MinDenominationRangeAmount_USD">
         <Attribute name="MaxDenominationRangeAmount_USD">
         <Attribute name="CardInstance">
            <Value>1;1;25;US Dollar</Value>
         <Attribute name="FreightClassID">
         <Attribute name="OriginalClient">
   <Item operation_type="Change" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         <ItemDescription>Virtual Gift Card</ItemDescription>
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
               <Description>Not Applicable</Description>
               <Mass unit_of_measure="lb">
               <Packaging unit_of_measure="cm">
               <Description>NOT APPLICABLE</Description>
         <Attribute name="MinGCAmount">
         <Attribute name="MaxGCAmount">
         <Attribute name="MinDenominationRangeAmount_USD">
         <Attribute name="MaxDenominationRangeAmount_USD">
         <Attribute name="CardInstance">
            <Value>1;1;25;US Dollar</Value>
         <Attribute name="FreightClassID">
         <Attribute name="IsVirtual">
         <Attribute name="OriginalClient">
   <Item operation_type="Change" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         <ItemDescription>PHYSICAL GIFT CARD REFUND</ItemDescription>
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
               <Description>Not Applicable</Description>
         <Attribute name="MinGCAmount">
         <Attribute name="MaxGCAmount">
         <Attribute name="MinDenominationRangeAmount_USD">
         <Attribute name="MaxDenominationRangeAmount_USD">
         <Attribute name="CardInstance">
            <Value>1;1;25;US Dollar</Value>
         <Attribute name="FreightClassID">
         <Attribute name="OriginalClient">
   <Item operation_type="Change" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         <ItemDescription>VIRTUAL GIFT CARD REFUND</ItemDescription>
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
               <Description>Not Applicable</Description>
         <Attribute name="MinGCAmount">
         <Attribute name="MaxGCAmount">
         <Attribute name="MinDenominationRangeAmount_USD">
         <Attribute name="MaxDenominationRangeAmount_USD">
         <Attribute name="CardInstance">
            <Value>1;1;25;US Dollar</Value>
         <Attribute name="FreightClassID">
         <Attribute name="IsVirtual">
         <Attribute name="OriginalClient">
   <Item catalog_id="21" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" operation_type="Add">
         <GTIN IdType="UPC">
         <ItemDescription>RGUARD 21</ItemDescription>
            <ClassDescription>MISC FLOOR ACCESSORIES</ClassDescription>
            <Description xml:lang="en-US"/>
               <Description xml:lang="en-US">NAVY</Description>
            <Size xml:lang="en-US">
               <Description>NO SIZE</Description>
         <UnitCost currency_code="USD">30.00</UnitCost>
   <Item operation_type="Change" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         <GTIN IdType="UPC">
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
               <Mass unit_of_measure="lb">
               <Packaging unit_of_measure="cm">
         <Attribute name="OriginalClient">
   <Item operation_type="Add" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         <GTIN IdType="UPC">
         <ItemDescription>GIFT CERT SALE</ItemDescription>
            <SubDeptDescription>SERVICE SKU DIVISION</SubDeptDescription>
            <ClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</ClassDescription>
            <SubClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</SubClassDescription>
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
               <Description xml:lang="en-US">EBONY</Description>
            <Size xml:lang="en-US">
               <Description>NO SIZE</Description>
         <Attribute name="MinGCAmount">
         <Attribute name="MaxGCAmount">
         <Attribute name="EXTN_MAXIMUM_REFUND_AMOUNT">
         <Attribute name="OriginalClient">
   <Item operation_type="Add" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         <GTIN IdType="UPC">
         <ItemDescription>GIFT CERT. REDEEM</ItemDescription>
            <SubDeptDescription>SERVICE SKU DIVISION</SubDeptDescription>
            <ClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</ClassDescription>
            <SubClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</SubClassDescription>
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
               <Description xml:lang="en-US">EBONY</Description>
            <Size xml:lang="en-US">
               <Description>NO SIZE</Description>
         <Attribute name="MinGCAmount">
         <Attribute name="MaxGCAmount">
         <Attribute name="EXTN_MAXIMUM_REFUND_AMOUNT">
         <Attribute name="OriginalClient">
   <Item operation_type="Add" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         <GTIN IdType="UPC">
         <ItemDescription>GIFT CERT. REDEEM for COD</ItemDescription>
            <SubDeptDescription>SERVICE SKU DIVISION</SubDeptDescription>
            <ClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</ClassDescription>
            <SubClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</SubClassDescription>
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
               <Description xml:lang="en-US">NO COLOR</Description>
            <Size xml:lang="en-US">
               <Description>NO SIZE</Description>
         <Attribute name="MinGCAmount">
         <Attribute name="MaxGCAmount">
         <Attribute name="EXTN_MAXIMUM_REFUND_AMOUNT">
         <Attribute name="OriginalClient">
   <Item operation_type="Add" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         <GTIN IdType="UPC">
         <ItemDescription>GIFT CERT. REDEEM for CVS</ItemDescription>
            <SubDeptDescription>SERVICE SKU DIVISION</SubDeptDescription>
            <ClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</ClassDescription>
            <SubClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</SubClassDescription>
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
               <Description xml:lang="en-US">NO COLOR</Description>
            <Size xml:lang="en-US">
               <Description>NO SIZE</Description>
         <Attribute name="MinGCAmount">
         <Attribute name="MaxGCAmount">
         <Attribute name="EXTN_MAXIMUM_REFUND_AMOUNT">
         <Attribute name="OriginalClient">
   <Item operation_type="Add" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         <GTIN IdType="UPC">
         <ItemDescription>CHARITY $2</ItemDescription>
            <SubDeptDescription>SERVICE SKU DIVISION</SubDeptDescription>
            <ClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</ClassDescription>
            <SubClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</SubClassDescription>
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
               <Description xml:lang="en-US">EBONY</Description>
            <Size xml:lang="en-US">
               <Description>NO SIZE</Description>
         <Attribute name="OriginalClient">
   <Item operation_type="Add" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         <GTIN IdType="UPC">
         <ItemDescription>CHARITY $20</ItemDescription>
            <SubDeptDescription>SERVICE SKU DIVISION</SubDeptDescription>
            <ClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</ClassDescription>
            <SubClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</SubClassDescription>
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
               <Description xml:lang="en-US">EBONY</Description>
            <Size xml:lang="en-US">
               <Description>NO SIZE</Description>
         <Attribute name="OriginalClient">
   <Item operation_type="Add" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         <GTIN IdType="UPC">
         <ItemDescription>CHARITY $5</ItemDescription>
            <SubDeptDescription>SERVICE SKU DIVISION</SubDeptDescription>
            <ClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</ClassDescription>
            <SubClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</SubClassDescription>
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
               <Description xml:lang="en-US">EBONY</Description>
            <Size xml:lang="en-US">
               <Description>NO SIZE</Description>
         <Attribute name="OriginalClient">
   <Item operation_type="Add" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         <GTIN IdType="UPC">
         <ItemDescription>CHARITY $50</ItemDescription>
            <SubDeptDescription>SERVICE SKU DIVISION</SubDeptDescription>
            <ClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</ClassDescription>
            <SubClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</SubClassDescription>
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
               <Description xml:lang="en-US">EBONY</Description>
            <Size xml:lang="en-US">
               <Description>NO SIZE</Description>
         <Attribute name="OriginalClient">
   <Item operation_type="Add" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         <GTIN IdType="UPC">
         <ItemDescription>GIFT BOX</ItemDescription>
            <SubDeptDescription>SERVICE SKU DIVISION</SubDeptDescription>
            <ClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</ClassDescription>
            <SubClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</SubClassDescription>
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
               <Description xml:lang="en-US">EBONY</Description>
            <Size xml:lang="en-US">
               <Description>NO SIZE</Description>
         <Attribute name="OriginalClient">
   <Item operation_type="Add" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         <ItemDescription>GIFT MESSAGE</ItemDescription>
            <SubDeptDescription>SERVICE SKU DIVISION</SubDeptDescription>
            <ClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</ClassDescription>
            <SubClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</SubClassDescription>
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
               <Description xml:lang="en-US">NO COLOR</Description>
            <Size xml:lang="en-US">
               <Description>NO SIZE</Description>
         <Attribute name="OriginalClient">
   <Item operation_type="Add" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         <GTIN IdType="UPC">
            <SubDeptDescription>SERVICE SKU DIVISION</SubDeptDescription>
            <ClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</ClassDescription>
            <SubClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</SubClassDescription>
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
               <Description xml:lang="en-US">EBONY</Description>
            <Size xml:lang="en-US">
               <Description>NO SIZE</Description>
         <Attribute name="OriginalClient">
   <Item operation_type="Add" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
         <Attribute name="ServiceTag">
         <Attribute name="gsi.isn.eligibility">
         <Attribute name="OriginalClient">
   <Item operation_type="Add" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
         <Attribute name="ServiceTag">
         <Attribute name="gsi.isn.eligibility">
         <Attribute name="OriginalClient">
   <Item operation_type="Add" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
         <Attribute name="ServiceTag">
         <Attribute name="gsi.isn.eligibility">
         <Attribute name="OriginalClient">
   <Item operation_type="Add" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
         <Attribute name="ServiceTag">
         <Attribute name="gsi.isn.eligibility">
         <Attribute name="OriginalClient">
   <Item operation_type="Add" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
         <Attribute name="ServiceTag">
         <Attribute name="gsi.isn.eligibility">
         <Attribute name="OriginalClient">
   <Item operation_type="Add" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
         <Attribute name="ServiceTag">
         <Attribute name="gsi.isn.eligibility">
         <Attribute name="OriginalClient">
   <Item operation_type="Change" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         <GTIN IdType="UPC" operation_type="Add">
         <ItemDescription>Charities Donation</ItemDescription>
            <SubDeptDescription>Our Charities</SubDeptDescription>
            <ClassDescription>Charities Promo</ClassDescription>
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
         <Attribute name="DonationDenomination" operation_type="Add" xml:lang="en-US" is_list="false" dt="string">
               <![CDATA[ 1|2|3|5|10|15|20 ]]>
         <Attribute name="OriginalClient">
   <Item operation_type="Change" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         <GTIN IdType="UPC" operation_type="Add">
         <ItemDescription>Web Gift Wrap Stripes</ItemDescription>
            <SubClassDescription>Miscellaneous Merchandise</SubClassDescription>
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
         <Attribute name="OriginalClient">
   <Item operation_type="Change" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         <GTIN IdType="UPC" operation_type="Add">
         <ItemDescription>Web Gift Wrap Extreme</ItemDescription>
            <SubClassDescription>Miscellaneous Merchandise</SubClassDescription>
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
         <Attribute name="OriginalClient">
   <Item operation_type="Change" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         <GTIN IdType="UPC" operation_type="Add">
         <ItemDescription>Web Gift Wrap Plaid</ItemDescription>
            <SubClassDescription>Miscellaneous Merchandise</SubClassDescription>
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
         <Attribute name="OriginalClient">

ClosedCustomization Item

Customization SKUs represent the action of customization of another item purchased on the order. They do not represent the customized item.

In the following example, elements with special meaning for this item type are noted in /*comments*/ before the element.

   <Item operation_type="Add" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         <GTIN IdType="UPC">
         /*ItemType = "CUSTOM"*/
            <SubDeptDescription>SERVICE SKU DIVISION</SubDeptDescription>
            <ClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</ClassDescription>
            <SubClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</SubClassDescription>
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
               <Description xml:lang="en-US">NO COLOR</Description>
         /*SalesClass is not meaningful for a Customization SKU. Availability is controlled
         by the SalesClass of the SKU being customized.*/
            <Size xml:lang="en-US">
               <Description>NO SIZE</Description>

Item Type: ROM plus Store Fulfillment Implementation

<?xml version="1.0"?>
	<Item catalog_id="74" gsi_client_id="RADNA" operation_type="Change">
			<GTIN operation_type="Add" IdType="UPC">
			<GTIN operation_type="Add" IdType="UPC">
			<GTIN operation_type="Add" IdType="UPC">
				<Description xml:lang="en-us">Volatile</Description>
					<Description xml:lang="en-us">Brown</Description>
					<Mass unit_of_measure="lb">
					<Packaging unit_of_measure="in">
				<Size xml:lang="en-US">
			<UnitCost currency_code="USD">100</UnitCost>
			<Attribute operation_type="Add" name="DryIceWeight">
			<Attribute operation_type="Add" name="Freight">
			<Attribute operation_type="Add" name="Handling">
			<Attribute operation_type="Add" name="LeadDays">
			<Attribute operation_type="Add" name="ShipAloneQty">
			<Attribute xml:lang="en-US" operation_type="Add" name="HostDescriptionInfo">
				<Value>HostDescriptionInfo goes here-1</Value>
			<Attribute xml:lang="en-US" operation_type="Add" name="VendorDescriptionInfo">
				<Value>VendorDescriptionInfo goes here-1</Value>
				<ImageURL width="115" height="70" view="main" type="prod_thumb">http://s7d1.scene7.com/is/image/Shoecarnival/89747_171734_1?$</ImageURL>
				<ImageURL width="394" height="334" view="main" type="prod_main">http://s7d1.scene7.com/is/image/Shoecarnival/89747_171734_1</ImageURL>

Item Type: Store Fulfillment Standalone

In the following example, the specified item is not available for dropship.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
	<Item catalog_id="74" gsi_client_id="RADNA" operation_type="Change">
			<GTIN operation_type="Add" IdType="UPC">
			<GTIN operation_type="Add" IdType="UPC">
			<GTIN operation_type="Add" IdType="UPC">
					<Description xml:lang="en-us">Brown</Description>
					<Mass unit_of_measure="lb">
					<Packaging unit_of_measure="in">
				<Size xml:lang="en-US">
			<UnitCost currency_code="USD">100</UnitCost>
			<Attribute operation_type="Add" name="DryIceWeight">
			<Attribute operation_type="Add" name="Freight">
			<Attribute operation_type="Add" name="ShipAloneQty">
			<Attribute xml:lang="en-US" operation_type="Add" name="HostDescriptionInfo">
				<Value>HostDescriptionInfo goes here-1</Value>
			<Attribute xml:lang="en-US" operation_type="Add" name="VendorDescriptionInfo">
				<Value>VendorDescriptionInfo goes here-1</Value>
				<ImageURL width="115" height="70" view="main" type="prod_thumb">http://s7d1.scene7.com/is/image/Shoecarnival/89747_171734_1?$</ImageURL>
				<ImageURL width="394" height="334" view="main" type="prod_main">http://s7d1.scene7.com/is/image/Shoecarnival/89747_171734_1</ImageURL>

Item Type: Store Fulfillment with Dropship Manager

In the following example, the specified item is available for dropship.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
	<Item catalog_id="74" gsi_client_id="RADNA" operation_type="Change">
			<GTIN operation_type="Add" IdType="UPC">
			<GTIN operation_type="Add" IdType="UPC">
			<GTIN operation_type="Add" IdType="UPC">
				<Description xml:lang="en-us">Volatile</Description>
					<Description xml:lang="en-us">Brown</Description>
					<Mass unit_of_measure="lb">
					<Packaging unit_of_measure="in">
				<Size xml:lang="en-US">
			<UnitCost currency_code="USD">100</UnitCost>
			<Attribute operation_type="Add" name="DryIceWeight">
			<Attribute operation_type="Add" name="Freight">
			<Attribute operation_type="Add" name="Handling">
			<Attribute operation_type="Add" name="LeadDays">
			<Attribute operation_type="Add" name="ShipAloneQty">
			<Attribute xml:lang="en-US" operation_type="Add" name="HostDescriptionInfo">
				<Value>HostDescriptionInfo goes here-1</Value>
			<Attribute xml:lang="en-US" operation_type="Add" name="VendorDescriptionInfo">
				<Value>VendorDescriptionInfo goes here-1</Value>
				<ImageURL width="115" height="70" view="main" type="prod_thumb">http://s7d1.scene7.com/is/image/Shoecarnival/89747_171734_1?$</ImageURL>
				<ImageURL width="394" height="334" view="main" type="prod_main">http://s7d1.scene7.com/is/image/Shoecarnival/89747_171734_1</ImageURL>

Item Type: Dropship Manager

In the following example, the specified item is available for dropship, but not for store fulfillment.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
	<Item catalog_id="74" gsi_client_id="RADNA" operation_type="Change">
			<GTIN operation_type="Add" IdType="UPC">
					<Description xml:lang="en-us">Brown</Description>
					<Mass unit_of_measure="lb">
					<Packaging unit_of_measure="in">
				<Size xml:lang="en-US">
			<Attribute operation_type="Add" name="DryIceWeight">
			<Attribute operation_type="Add" name="Freight">
			<Attribute operation_type="Add" name="Handling">
			<Attribute operation_type="Add" name="LeadDays">
			<Attribute operation_type="Add" name="ShipAloneQty">
			<Attribute xml:lang="en-US" operation_type="Add" name="HostDescriptionInfo">
				<Value>HostDescriptionInfo goes here-1</Value>
			<Attribute xml:lang="en-US" operation_type="Add" name="VendorDescriptionInfo">
				<Value>VendorDescriptionInfo goes here-1</Value>
				<ImageURL width="115" height="70" view="main" type="prod_thumb">http://s7d1.scene7.com/is/image/Shoecarnival/89747_171734_1?$</ImageURL>
				<ImageURL width="394" height="334" view="main" type="prod_main">http://s7d1.scene7.com/is/image/Shoecarnival/89747_171734_1</ImageURL>

ClosedDonation Item

A Donation item is a virtual item that represents a consumer's donation to a charitable cause.

In the following example, elements with special meaning for this item type are noted in /*comments*/ before the element.

   <Item operation_type="Add" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         <ItemDescription>CHARITY $2</ItemDescription>
         /*ItemType = "Donation"*/	
         /*Donation SKUs are typically untaxable and would use a nontaxable tax class.*/			
            <SubDeptDescription>SERVICE SKU DIVISION</SubDeptDescription>
            <ClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</ClassDescription>
            <SubClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</SubClassDescription>
         /*Donation SKUs would not typically be candidates to use gift messaging.*/			
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
               <Description xml:lang="en-US">NO COLOR</Description>
         /*SalesClass value must be advanceOrderOpen.*/			
            <Size xml:lang="en-US">
               <Description>NO SIZE</Description>

ClosedGift Wrap Item

For Gift Wrap and Gift Box items, each unique color of gift wrap and each color or size of gift box must have an item master.

In the following example, elements with special meaning for this item type are noted in /*comments*/ before the element.

   <Item operation_type="Add" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         <ItemDescription>Gift Wrap</ItemDescription>
         /*ItemType = "GiftWrap"*/
         /*If Gift Wrap is nontaxable, a nontaxable tax class is required.*/
            <SubDeptDescription>SERVICE SKU DIVISION</SubDeptDescription>
            <ClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</ClassDescription>
            <SubClassDescription>SERVICE SKUS</SubClassDescription>
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
               <Description xml:lang="en-US">Red Stripe</Description>
         /*Gift Wrap is a physical item. SalesClass = stock indicates that it should not
         be backordered if no inventory exists.*/
            <Size xml:lang="en-US">
               <Description>NO SIZE</Description>

ClosedMERCH Item

A MERCH item is a physical item of merchandise. MERCH items include most of the items sold in a typical webstore.

The following example includes elements required for drop-shipped items. In the following example, elements with special meaning for this item type are noted in /*comments*/ before the element.

   <Item catalog_id="21" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" operation_type="Add">
         <GTIN IdType="UPC">
         /*For drop-ship items, IsDropShipped=true. For other items, IsDropShipped=false.*/
         <ItemDescription>RGUARD 21</ItemDescription>
         /*ItemType = "MERCH"*/
            <ClassDescription>MISC FLOOR ACCESSORIES</ClassDescription>
      /*For drop-ship items, DropShipSupplierInformation is required.*/
         /*SupplierNumber is a unique identifier assigned to each supplier by Radial. Obtain this value
         from Radial before sending the item master.*/
            <Description xml:lang="en-US"/>
               <Description xml:lang="en-US">NAVY</Description>
            <Size xml:lang="en-US">
               <Description>NO SIZE</Description>
         <UnitCost currency_code="USD">30.00</UnitCost>

ClosedPhysical Gift Card

The GC item type is a physical gift card.

In the following example, elements with special meaning for this item type are noted in /*comments*/ before the element.

   <Item operation_type="Change" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         <ItemDescription>Physical Gift Card</ItemDescription>
         /*ItemType = "GC"*/ 
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
               <Description>Not Applicable</Description>
         /*GiftCardTenderCode is required for physical and virtual gift cards. Radial provides you the
         correct value.*/
               <Mass unit_of_measure="lb">
               <Packaging unit_of_measure="cm">
         /*SalesClass is used for gift cards the same way as for any other physical item.*/
         /*SerialNumberType must be "GC"*/
               <Description>NOT APPLICABLE</Description>
         /*MinGCAmount is the minimum value that a gift card may be sold for.*/
         <Attribute name="MinGCAmount"> 
         /*MaxGCAmount is the maximum value that a gift card may be sold for.*/
         <Attribute name="MaxGCAmount"> 

ClosedPostSaleFulfillment Item

A PostSaleFulfillment item is a virtual item classified separately from other virtual item types, such as Donations. These items are not fulfilled from a warehouse and are not indicated on a packing slip.

In the following example, elements with special meaning for this item type are noted in /*comments*/ before the element.

   <Item operation_type="Add" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         /*ItemType must be PostSaleFulfillment.*/
         <ItemType>PostSaleFulfillment </ItemType> 
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
         /*SalesClass must be advanceOrderOpen.*/

ClosedRefund Physical Gift Card

Refund Physical Gift Cards are used when refunding the value of a return or a price adjustment to the consumer when a Physical Gift Card was used as a tender in the original sale. This item type is used to differentiate refunds from the original tender for accounting purposes. The use of this ItemType is optional.

In the following example, elements with special meaning for this item type are noted in /*comments*/ before the element.

   <Item operation_type="Change" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         <ItemDescription>Refund Physical Gift Card</ItemDescription>
         /*ItemType = "RefundGC"*/
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
               <Description>Not Applicable</Description>
         /*GiftCardTenderCode is required for physical and virtual gift cards. Radial provides you
         the correct value.*/
               <Mass unit_of_measure="lb">
               <Packaging unit_of_measure="cm">
         /*SalesClass is used the same way for gift cards as it does for any other physical item.*/
         /*SerialNumberType must be "GC"*/
               <Description>NOT APPLICABLE</Description>
         /*MinGCAmount is the minimum value that a gift card may be sold for.*/
         <Attribute name="MinGCAmount"> 
         /*MaxGCAmount is the maximum value that a gift card may be sold for.*/
         <Attribute name="MaxGCAmount"> 

ClosedRefund Virtual Gift Card

A Refund Virtual Gift Card is used when refunding the value of a return or a price adjustment to the consumer when a Virtual Gift Card was used as a tender in the original sale. This item type is used to differentiate refunds from the original tender for accounting purposes. The use of this ItemType is optional.

In the following example, elements with special meaning for this item type are noted in /*comments*/ before the element.

   <Item operation_type="Add" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         <ItemDescription>Refund Virtual Gift Card</ItemDescription>
         /*ItemType = "RefundVGC"*/
         /*Hierarchy values are client-specific.*/
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
               <Description>Not Applicable</Description>
         /*GiftCardTenderCode is required for physical and virtual gift cards. Radial provides you
         the correct value.*/
         /*Dimensions are irrelevant for virtual gift cards.*/
               <Mass unit_of_measure="lb">
               <Packaging unit_of_measure="cm">
         /*SalesClass must be advanceOrderOpen for virtual gift cards.*/
         /*SerialNumberType must be "GC"*/
               <Description>NOT APPLICABLE</Description>
         /*MinGCAmount is the minimum value that a gift card may be sold for.*/
         <Attribute name="MinGCAmount"> 
         /*MaxGCAmount is the maximum value that a gift card may be sold for.*/
         <Attribute name="MaxGCAmount"> 

ClosedVirtual Gift Card

In the following example, elements with special meaning for this item type are noted in /*comments*/ before the element.

   <Item operation_type="Add" gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
         <ItemDescription>Physical Gift Card</ItemDescription>
         /*ItemType = "VGC"*/
            <Name>Generic TMS</Name>
               <Description>Not Applicable</Description>
         /*GiftCardTenderCode is required for physical and virtual gift cards. Radial provides you
         the correct value*/ 
         /*Dimensions are irrelevant for virtual gift cards.*/
               <Mass unit_of_measure="lb">
               <Packaging unit_of_measure="cm">
         /*SalesClass must be advanceOrderOpen for virtual gift cards.*/
         /*SerialNumberType must be "GC"*/
               <Description>NOT APPLICABLE</Description>
         /*MinGCAmount is the minimum value that a gift card may be sold for.*/
         <Attribute name="MinGCAmount"> 
         /*MaxGCAmount is the maximum value that a gift card may be sold for.*/
         <Attribute name="MaxGCAmount"> 

Data Keys

Source or Destination Type Description
GSI Radial
PH Product Hub
OMS Order Management System
MMS Merchandise Management System


Operation Type Description
Add Add a piece of information.
Change Modify or update an existing piece of information.
Delete Remove a piece of information.


Import Mode Description
Update Modify an ixisting piece of data or add a new one.
Delete Remove a piece of data.
Replace Used to replace ALL data in the section. Example - Category Links, replace removes ALL category links and replaces with links for the current feed.


UOM Description
a are
acre acre
bu bushel
cc cubic centimeter
cg centigram
cl centiliter
cm centimeter
cm2 square centimeter
dag dekagram
dal dekaliter
dam decameter
dg decigram
dl deciliter
dm decimeter
dm3 cubic decimeter
dr dram
fldr fluid dram
floz fluid ounce
ft foot
ft2 square foot
g gram
gal gallon
gi gill
gr grain
ha hectare
hg hectogram
hl hectoliter
hm hectometer
in inch
in2 square inch
kg kilogram
kl kiloliter
km kilometer
km2 square kilometer
l liter
lb pound
m meter
m3 cubic meter
mg milligram
mi mile
mi2 square mile
min minim
ml milliliter
mm millimeter
oz ounce
pk peck
pt pint
qt quart
rd rod
rd2 square rod
s scruple
t metric ton
ton ton
yd yard
yd2 square yard


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