Radial Integration | 2016

Working with Radial APIs > Feeds: Batch File APIs > Content Feed

Content Feed


The Content Feed data file contains product- or style-specific descriptions, title information, and related items to be displayed on product pages. This feed is required if you plan to use any marketplace integrations, such as a third-party marketing affiliate. Product Content feeds provide Radial with customer-focused item content that can be sent in turn to a third party for marketplace integration. Each item's content describes the item and explains its benefits to the consumer.



Content schema: ContentFeedV11.xsd

API Structure

Content Feed element table: ContentFeedV11.xsd.html


Closed Style Content Entry

Content feeds can include style-level or item-level (SKU) data. They can also include a CustomAttributes section to send additional attributes that are not predefined parts of the content record. Work with Radial staff during the launch discovery period to determine the specific custom attributes that are needed for your store.

The following example of a Content feed file includes a single entry at the style level. It includes several custom attributes.

In the following example, elements with special meaning for this item type are noted in /*comments*/ before the element.

  <Content gsi_client_id="TMSNA" catalog_id="21">
    /*For a style-level entry, UniqueID and StyleID both contain the StyleID value.
    For content at the SKU- level, the UniqueID value is the SKU identifier. A StyleID
    value should not be included.*/
      <ProductLink link_type="ES_CrossSelling" operation_type="Add">
      <CategoryLink default="true">
      <CategoryLink default="false">
      <Title lang="en-US">Remarkable Results High-Waist Half-Slip</Title>
      <Title lang="de-DE">Bemerkenswerte Ergebnisse High-Waist-Slip Halb</Title>
      <DisplayCountryOfOrigin lang="en-US">Imported</DisplayCountryOfOrigin>
      <DisplayCountryOfOrigin lang="de-DE">Importiert</DisplayCountryOfOrigin>
      <FabricContent lang="en-US">85% Nylon, 15% Spandex/Elastane.</FabricContent>
      <FabricContent lang="de-DE">85% Nylon, 15% senden / Elasthan.</FabricContent>
      <LongDescription lang="en-US">long description in English for US</LongDescription>
      <LongDescription lang="de-DE">lange Beschreibung in Deutsch für DE</LongDescription>
      <SearchKeywords lang="en-US">high waist spandex</SearchKeywords>
      <SearchKeywords lang="de-DE">hohe Taille Spandex</SearchKeywords>
      <ShortDescription lang="en-US">short description in English for US</ShortDescription>
      <ShortDescription lang="de-DE">kurze Beschreibung in Deutsch für DE</ShortDescription>
    /*For each custom attribute, include the attribute name and a value. This example shows
    several custom attributes.*//
      <Attribute name="ArrivalDate" dt="date">
        <Value>25/01/2014 05:00:00</Value>
      <Attribute name="manual_offline" dt="boolean">
      <Attribute name="BulletPoint_1" xml:lang="en-US">
	  <![CDATA[Premium waterproof nubuck leather for comfort, durability and abrasion resistance]]>
      <Attribute name="BulletPoint_2" xml:lang="en-US">
          <![CDATA[Direct-attach seam-sealed waterproof construction keeps feet dry in any weather]]>
      <Attribute name="BulletPoint_3" xml:lang="en-US">
        <![CDATA[Padded collar provides a comfortable fit around the ankle and helps keep out debris]]>
      <Attribute name="BulletPoint_1" xml:lang="de-DE">
          <![CDATA[Komfort, Langlebigkeit und Abriebfestigkeit durch hochwertiges, wasserdichtes Nubukleder]]>
      <Attribute name="BulletPoint_2" xml:lang="de-DE">
          <![CDATA[Wasserdichte Konstruktion mit versiegelten Nähten sorgt bei jedem Wetter für trockene Füße]]>
      <Attribute name="BulletPoint_3" xml:lang="de-DE">
          <![CDATA[Gepolsterte Schaftabschlusskante sorgt für bequemen Sitz am Knöchel und verhindert das Eindringen von Schmutz]]>

Data Keys

Market Places Type Description
eBayMP eBay Market Place
BuyMP Buy.com Market Place
AmazonMP Amazon Market Place
RakutenJPMP Rakuten Japan Market Place
YahooJPMP Yahoo Japan Market Place


Content Link Type Description
ES_Accessory Link to an accessory
ES_CrossSelling Link to Cross Selling
ES_DifferentOrderUnit Link to different Order Unit
ES_FollowUp Link to Follow Up
ES_Other -
ES_Replacement -
ES_SpareParts -
ES_UpSelling -
ES_Warranty -
ES_GiftMessage -
ES_GiftWrap -
ES_Proxy -
GSI_Accessory -
GSI_CrossSellSlot01 Cross Sell Slot
GSI_CrossSellSlot02 Cross Sell Slot
GSI_CrossSellSlot03 Cross Sell Slot
GSI_CrossSellSlot04 Cross Sell Slot
GSI_CrossSellSlot05 Cross Sell Slot
GSI_CrossSellSlot06 Cross Sell Slot
GSI_CrossSellSlot07 Cross Sell Slot
GSI_CrossSellSlot08 Cross Sell Slot
GSI_CrossSellSlot09 Cross Sell Slot
GSI_CrossSellSlot10 Cross Sell Slot
GSI_CrossSellSlot11 Cross Sell Slot
GSI_CrossSellSlot12 Cross Sell Slot
GSI_CrossSellSlot13 Cross Sell Slot
GSI_CrossSellSlot14 Cross Sell Slot
GSI_CrossSellSlot15 Cross Sell Slot
GSI_CrossSellSlot16 Cross Sell Slot
GSI_CrossSellSlot17 Cross Sell Slot
GSI_CrossSellSlot18 Cross Sell Slot
GSI_CrossSellSlot19 Cross Sell Slot
GSI_CrossSellSlot20 Cross Sell Slot


Source or Destination Type Description
GSI Radial
PH Product Hub
OMS Order Management System
MMS Merchandise Management System


Operation Type Description
Add Add a piece of information.
Change Modify or update an existing piece of information.
Delete Remove a piece of information.


Import Mode Description
Update Modify an ixisting piece of data or add a new one.
Delete Remove a piece of data.
Replace Used to replace ALL data in the section. Example - Category Links, replace removes ALL category links and replaces with links for the current feed.


UOM Description
a are
acre acre
bu bushel
cc cubic centimeter
cg centigram
cl centiliter
cm centimeter
cm2 square centimeter
dag dekagram
dal dekaliter
dam decameter
dg decigram
dl deciliter
dm decimeter
dm3 cubic decimeter
dr dram
fldr fluid dram
floz fluid ounce
ft foot
ft2 square foot
g gram
gal gallon
gi gill
gr grain
ha hectare
hg hectogram
hl hectoliter
hm hectometer
in inch
in2 square inch
kg kilogram
kl kiloliter
km kilometer
km2 square kilometer
l liter
lb pound
m meter
m3 cubic meter
mg milligram
mi mile
mi2 square mile
min minim
ml milliliter
mm millimeter
oz ounce
pk peck
pt pint
qt quart
rd rod
rd2 square rod
s scruple
t metric ton
ton ton
yd yard
yd2 square yard


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