Radial Integration | 2016
When you integrate a webstore with Radial Retail Order Management, you must include specific fraud risk data in the OrderCreateRequest message for every order.
Important: The fraud risk data elements are essential for successful completion of the order. If you submit an order without fraud risk data, the order will be placed on fraud hold and will not proceed to fulfillment. Even if fraud is not a particular concern at your store, you still must implement fraud risk integration so that your store’s orders can complete successfully.
To implement fraud risk integration for your web store, you must complete each of the following processes:
Several data elements for fraud risk assessment are gathered in the customer’s web browser at the time the order is submitted. The data includes a server timestamp, several browser header data elements, and a long string generated by a fraud detection component called the JavaScript Collector. The fraud risk data is included in the OrderCreateRequest message submitted to the Order Service.
During the processing of each order, Retail Order Management submits the order’s fraud risk data to an automated fraud validation process. The order is placed on hold until a fraud validation process returns a response message. The fraud response determines the next steps in handling the order.
The JavaScript Collector is a set of 15 JavaScript files that collect data in the customer’s web browser during order submission. All of the JavaScript files are functionally equivalent, and you need to call only one of them for each order. A recommended implementation is to randomly select a JavaScript file for each order.
All 15 JavaScript files collect 90% of the same data and 10% different data from the client browser. Each of the JavaScript files uses a different sequence for data collection and organization.
The resulting information is evaluated by the fraud validation service in Radial. The order’s fraud risk is estimated based on certain parameters being present in the data and the sequence of the data.
For improved security of the risk validation process, Radial recommends using random selection among the 15 JavaScript files. A random element makes it harder for hackers to determine the pattern of data and to manipulate the system.
To install and implement the JavaScript Collector in your web store, complete the following steps:
All of the JavaScript files are functionally equivalent to each other, and you need to call only one of them for each order. A recommended implementation is to randomly select a JavaScript file for each order.
If your store includes multiple pages or paths for order submission, be sure to invoke the JavaScript Collector from each final order submission button. It is important that the function call occurs on submit, not on load, and is the last functionality executed within the page.
Important: Make sure that the capture process saves the saves the string in its original RAW format, preserving any special characters and non-URL encoded data.
The fraud risk data must be captured and included in the OrderCreate request XML. Include the fraud risk elements within the <JavaScriptData> element inside <Context>.
The key piece of data is the JavaScript Collector string value, which is included as the <DeviceID> element.
Several browser attributes are also important for fraud detection. These should be captured from the HTTP header.
The customer’s ShipToEmailAddress, which is part of order information for items that are electronically fulfilled, is also used for fraud detection when available.
<BrowserID>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36
(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/28.0.1500.72 Safari/537.36</BrowserID>
<BrowserAcceptCharset>utf-8, iso-8859-1, utf-16, *;q=0.8</BrowserAcceptCharset>
zxn!1067109436; browser_id=156320795304</RawCookie>
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