Radial Integration | 2016
The Get Inventory Locations Quantity operation is used to check item supply and demand details for all onhand and future inventory in both the warehouse and ship-from-store networks.
This operation involves an HTTP GET request that can return either an XML or JSON response.
Operation |
Action |
URI Template |
Transaction Type |
Get locations quantity |
/gsi-inventory-service/locations.json?sourceID=source&sourceType=type&network=fulfillmentnetwork&itemID=item |
Get inventory locations for the specified item in the specified sales channel. |
The request uses the following parameters:
Parameter | Required? | Default Value | Description |
itemID | Yes | n/a | Item for which you need inventory information. |
network | Yes | n/a |
Fulfillment network to be searched for inventory location data. Separate multiple entries with commas. Supported values are:
sourceID | yes | n/a | Channel, store, or seller as indicated by sourceType. |
sourceType | No | CHANNEL | Type of source: CHANNEL, STORE, or SELLER. |
The following table shows the distribution center inventory for item 12-3456789.
Location | Supply Type | ETA | Supply | Demand (Type) | Available |
GSI-DC224 | ONHAND | n/a | 100 | 100 (SCHEDULED) | 0 |
FUTURE | 2016-05-01 | 100 | 100 (SCHEDULED) | 0 | |
FUTURE | 2016-05-15 | 100 | 100 (SCHEDULED) | 0 | |
Unmatched | 20 (BACKORDER) |
GET /gsi-inventory-service/locations.json?sourceId=TMSUS&sourceType=CHANNEL&network=DC&itemId=12-3456789
XML Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <InventoryLocations xmlns="http://schema.gspt.net/Inventory/4.0" itemId="12-3456789"> <Source sourceId="TMSUS" sourceType="STORE"/> <DCInventory availableQty="0" totalQty="300" totalDemand="300" unavailableQty="20"> <DCLocations> <DCLocation locationId="GSI-DC224" availableQty="0" totalQty="100" unavailableQty="20" totalDemand="320"> <Supplies> <Supply type="ONHAND" availableQty="0" totalQty="100" demand="100"/> <Supply type="FUTURE" availableDate="2015-05-01" availableQty="0" totalQty="100" demand="100"/> <Supply type="FUTURE" availableDate="2015-05-15" availableQty="0" totalQty="100" demand="100"/> </Supplies> </DCLocation> </DCLocations> </DCInventory> </InventoryLocations>
JSON Response
{ "itemId": "12-3456789", "source": { "sourceId": "TMSUS", "sourceType": "STORE" }, "dcInventory": { "availableQty": 0, "totalQty": 300, "totalDemand": 300, "unavailableQty": 20, "dcLocations": [ { "locationId": "GSI-DC224", "availableQty": 0, "totalQty": 100, "unavailableQty": 20, "totalDemand": 320, "supplies": [ { "type": "ONHAND", "availableQty": 0, "totalQty": 100, "demand": 100 }, { "type": "FUTURE", "availableDate": "2015-05-01", "availableQty": 0, "totalQty": 100, "demand": 100 }, { "type": "FUTURE", "availableDate": "2015-05-15", "availableQty": 0, "totalQty": 100, "demand": 100 } ] } ] } }
The following table shows the store network inventory for item 12-3456789.
Vendor Number | Store Name | Available | MIA | Reserved |
05088 | Dadeland Mall | 28 | 14 | 0 |
050873 | Brandywine | 4 | 0 | 0 |
05519 | Galleria Dallas | 16 | 7 | 0 |
05079 | Woodfield Shopping Center | 0 | 0 | 0 |
GET /gsi-inventory-service/locations.json?sourceId=TMSUS&sourceType=CHANNEL&network=SN&itemId=12-3456789
XML Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <InventoryLocations xmlns="http://schema.gspt.net/Inventory/4.0" itemId="12-3456789"> <Source sourceId="TMSUS" sourceType="STORE"/> <DCInventory/> <StoreInventory availableQty="48" reservedQty="0" miaQty="21" supply="0"> <Stores> <Store locationId="05088" name="[1E]Dadeland Mall" itemSku="item-sku-1" preference="no anchovies" section="nose bleed seats" location1="location tom" location2="location dick" location3="location harry" price="19.99" availableQty="28" reservedQty="0" profitibility="0.5" miaQty="14" supply="0.0" perDay="25.0" ordersPerDay="25.0"> <SafteyStockLevel> <SafetyStockLevel type="Allocation" quantity="10" threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/> <SafetyStockLevel type="ShipFromStore" quantity="10" threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/> <SafetyStockLevel type="InStorePickUp" quantity="10" threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/> <SafetyStockLevel type="InStoreAvailability" quantity="10" threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/> </SafteyStockLevel> </Store> <Store locationId="050873" name="[1E]Brandywine" itemSku="item-sku-1" preference="no anchovies" section="nose bleed seats" location1="location white" location2="location blue" location3="location red" price="19.99" availableQty="4" reservedQty="0" profitibility="0.5" miaQty="0" supply="0.0" perDay="25.0" ordersPerDay="25.0"> <SafteyStockLevel> <SafetyStockLevel type="Allocation" quantity="10" threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/> <SafetyStockLevel type="ShipFromStore" quantity="10" threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/> <SafetyStockLevel type="InStorePickUp" quantity="10" threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/> <SafetyStockLevel type="InStoreAvailability" quantity="10" threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/> </SafteyStockLevel> </Store> <Store locationId="05519" name="[1E]Gelleria Dallas" itemSku="item-sku-1" preference="no anchovies" section="nose bleed seats" location1="location moe" location2="location larry" location3="location curley" price="19.99" availableQty="16" reservedQty="0" profitibility="0.5" miaQty="7" supply="0.0" perDay="25.0" ordersPerDay="25.0"> <SafteyStockLevel> <SafetyStockLevel type="Allocation" quantity="10" threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/> <SafetyStockLevel type="ShipFromStore" quantity="10" threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/> <SafetyStockLevel type="InStorePickUp" quantity="10" threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/> <SafetyStockLevel type="InStoreAvailability" quantity="10" threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/> </SafteyStockLevel> </Store> <Store locationId="05079" name="[1E]Woodfield Shipping Center" itemSku="item-sku-1" preference="no anchovies" section="nose bleed seats" location1="location tom" location2="location dick" location3="location harry" price="19.99" availableQty="0" reservedQty="0" profitibility="0.5" miaQty="0" supply="0.0" perDay="25.0" ordersPerDay="25.0"> <SafteyStockLevel> <SafetyStockLevel type="Allocation" quantity="10" threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/> <SafetyStockLevel type="ShipFromStore" quantity="10" threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/> <SafetyStockLevel type="InStorePickUp" quantity="10" threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/> <SafetyStockLevel type="InStoreAvailability" quantity="10" threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/> </SafteyStockLevel> </Store> </Stores> </StoreInventory> </InventoryLocations>
JSON Response
{ "itemId": "12-3456789", "source": { "sourceId": "TMSUS", "sourceType": "STORE" }, "storeInventory": { "availableQty": 48, "reservedQty": 0, "miaQty": 21, "supply": 0, "stores": [ { "locationId": "05088", "name": "[1E]Dadeland Mall", "itemSku": "item-sku-1", "preference": "no anchovies", "section": "nose bleed seats", "location1": "location tom", "location2": "location dick", "location3": "location harry", "price": 19.99, "availableQty": 28, "reservedQty": 0, "profitibility": 0.5, "miaQty": 14, "supply": 0.0, "perDay": 25.0, "ordersPerDay": 25.0, "safetyStockLevels": [ { "type": "Allocation", "quantity": 10, "threshold": 5, "killEnabled": false }, { "type": "ShipFromStore", "quantity": 10, "threshold": 5, "killEnabled": false }, { "type": "InStorePickUp", "quantity": 10, "threshold": 5, "killEnabled": false }, { "type": "InStoreAvailability", "quantity": 10, "threshold": 5, "killEnabled": false } ] }, { "locationId": "050873", "name": "[1E]Brandywine", "itemSku": "item-sku-1", "preference": "no anchovies", "section": "nose bleed seats", "location1": "location white", "location2": "location blue", "location3": "location red", "price": 19.99, "availableQty": 4, "reservedQty": 0, "profitibility": 0.5, "miaQty": 0, "supply": 0.0, "perDay": 25.0, "ordersPerDay": 25.0, "safetyStockLevels": [ { "type": "Allocation", "quantity": 10, "threshold": 5, "killEnabled": false }, { "type": "ShipFromStore", "quantity": 10, "threshold": 5, "killEnabled": false }, { "type": "InStorePickUp", "quantity": 10, "threshold": 5, "killEnabled": false }, { "type": "InStoreAvailability", "quantity": 10, "threshold": 5, "killEnabled": false } ] }, { "locationId": "05519", "name": "[1E]Gelleria Dallas", "itemSku": "item-sku-1", "preference": "no anchovies", "section": "nose bleed seats", "location1": "location moe", "location2": "location larry", "location3": "location curley", "price": 19.99, "availableQty": 16, "reservedQty": 0, "profitibility": 0.5, "miaQty": 7, "supply": 0.0, "perDay": 25.0, "ordersPerDay": 25.0, "safetyStockLevels": [ { "type": "Allocation", "quantity": 10, "threshold": 5, "killEnabled": false }, { "type": "ShipFromStore", "quantity": 10, "threshold": 5, "killEnabled": false }, { "type": "InStorePickUp", "quantity": 10, "threshold": 5, "killEnabled": false }, { "type": "InStoreAvailability", "quantity": 10, "threshold": 5, "killEnabled": false } ] }, { "locationId": "05079", "name": "[1E]Woodfield Shipping Center", "itemSku": "item-sku-1", "preference": "no anchovies", "section": "nose bleed seats", "location1": "location tom", "location2": "location dick", "location3": "location harry", "price": 19.99, "availableQty": 0, "reservedQty": 0, "profitibility": 0.5, "miaQty": 0, "supply": 0.0, "perDay": 25.0, "ordersPerDay": 25.0, "safetyStockLevels": [ { "type": "Allocation", "quantity": 10, "threshold": 5, "killEnabled": false }, { "type": "ShipFromStore", "quantity": 10, "threshold": 5, "killEnabled": false }, { "type": "InStorePickUp", "quantity": 10, "threshold": 5, "killEnabled": false }, { "type": "InStoreAvailability", "quantity": 10, "threshold": 5, "killEnabled": false } ] } ] } }\
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