Radial Integration | 2016

Retail Order Management > Inventory Management > Inventory API > Get Inventory Locations Quantity

Get Inventory Locations Quantity

The Get Inventory Locations Quantity operation is used to check item supply and demand details for all onhand and future inventory in both the warehouse and ship-from-store networks.

URI Summary

This operation involves an HTTP GET request that can return either an XML or JSON response.



URI Template

Transaction Type

Get locations quantity



Get inventory locations for the specified item in the specified sales channel.

The request uses the following parameters:

Parameter Required? Default Value Description
itemID Yes n/a Item for which you need inventory information.
network Yes n/a

Fulfillment network to be searched for inventory location data. Separate multiple entries with commas. Supported values are:

  • DC: Distribution Center network (OMS)
  • SN: Store Fulfillment network (StoreNet)
sourceID yes n/a Channel, store, or seller as indicated by sourceType.
sourceType No CHANNEL Type of source: CHANNEL, STORE, or SELLER.



Inventory Levels for a Distribution Center Network

The following table shows the distribution center inventory for item 12-3456789.

Location Supply Type ETA Supply Demand (Type) Available
GSI-DC224 ONHAND n/a 100 100 (SCHEDULED) 0
FUTURE 2016-05-01 100 100 (SCHEDULED) 0
FUTURE 2016-05-15 100 100 (SCHEDULED) 0
Unmatched     20 (BACKORDER)  


GET /gsi-inventory-service/locations.json?sourceId=TMSUS&sourceType=CHANNEL&network=DC&itemId=12-3456789

XML Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<InventoryLocations xmlns="http://schema.gspt.net/Inventory/4.0" itemId="12-3456789">
	<Source sourceId="TMSUS" sourceType="STORE"/>
	<DCInventory availableQty="0" totalQty="300" totalDemand="300" unavailableQty="20">
			<DCLocation locationId="GSI-DC224" availableQty="0" totalQty="100" unavailableQty="20" totalDemand="320">
					<Supply type="ONHAND" availableQty="0" totalQty="100" demand="100"/>
					<Supply type="FUTURE" availableDate="2015-05-01" availableQty="0" totalQty="100" demand="100"/>
					<Supply type="FUTURE" availableDate="2015-05-15" availableQty="0" totalQty="100" demand="100"/>

JSON Response

	"itemId": "12-3456789",
	"source": {
		"sourceId": "TMSUS",
		"sourceType": "STORE"
	"dcInventory": {
		"availableQty": 0,
		"totalQty": 300,
		"totalDemand": 300,
		"unavailableQty": 20,
		"dcLocations": [
				"locationId": "GSI-DC224",
				"availableQty": 0,
				"totalQty": 100,
				"unavailableQty": 20,
				"totalDemand": 320,
				"supplies": [
					"type": "ONHAND",
					"availableQty": 0,
					"totalQty": 100,
					"demand": 100
						"type": "FUTURE",
						"availableDate": "2015-05-01",
						"availableQty": 0,
						"totalQty": 100,
						"demand": 100
						"type": "FUTURE",
						"availableDate": "2015-05-15",
						"availableQty": 0,
						"totalQty": 100,
						"demand": 100

Inventory Levels for a Store Network

The following table shows the store network inventory for item 12-3456789.

Vendor Number Store Name Available MIA Reserved
05088 Dadeland Mall 28 14 0
050873 Brandywine 4 0 0
05519 Galleria Dallas 16 7 0
05079 Woodfield Shopping Center 0 0 0


GET /gsi-inventory-service/locations.json?sourceId=TMSUS&sourceType=CHANNEL&network=SN&itemId=12-3456789

XML Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<InventoryLocations xmlns="http://schema.gspt.net/Inventory/4.0"
	<Source sourceId="TMSUS" sourceType="STORE"/>
	<StoreInventory availableQty="48" reservedQty="0" miaQty="21" supply="0">
			<Store locationId="05088" name="[1E]Dadeland Mall"
				itemSku="item-sku-1" preference="no anchovies"
				section="nose bleed seats" location1="location tom"
				location2="location dick" location3="location harry"
				price="19.99" availableQty="28" reservedQty="0"
				profitibility="0.5" miaQty="14" supply="0.0" perDay="25.0"
					<SafetyStockLevel type="Allocation" quantity="10"
					threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/>
					<SafetyStockLevel type="ShipFromStore" quantity="10"
					threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/>
					<SafetyStockLevel type="InStorePickUp" quantity="10"
					threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/>
					<SafetyStockLevel type="InStoreAvailability" quantity="10"
					threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/>
			<Store locationId="050873" name="[1E]Brandywine"
				itemSku="item-sku-1" preference="no anchovies"
				section="nose bleed seats" location1="location white"
				location2="location blue" location3="location red"
				price="19.99" availableQty="4" reservedQty="0"
				profitibility="0.5" miaQty="0" supply="0.0" perDay="25.0"
					<SafetyStockLevel type="Allocation" quantity="10"
					threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/>
					<SafetyStockLevel type="ShipFromStore" quantity="10"
					threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/>
					<SafetyStockLevel type="InStorePickUp" quantity="10"
					threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/>
					<SafetyStockLevel type="InStoreAvailability" quantity="10"
					threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/>
			<Store locationId="05519" name="[1E]Gelleria Dallas"
				itemSku="item-sku-1" preference="no anchovies"
				section="nose bleed seats" location1="location moe"
				location2="location larry" location3="location curley"
				price="19.99" availableQty="16" reservedQty="0"
				profitibility="0.5" miaQty="7" supply="0.0" perDay="25.0"
					<SafetyStockLevel type="Allocation" quantity="10"
					threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/>
					<SafetyStockLevel type="ShipFromStore" quantity="10"
					threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/>
					<SafetyStockLevel type="InStorePickUp" quantity="10"
					threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/>
					<SafetyStockLevel type="InStoreAvailability" quantity="10"
					threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/>
			<Store locationId="05079" name="[1E]Woodfield Shipping Center"
				itemSku="item-sku-1" preference="no anchovies"
				section="nose bleed seats" location1="location tom"
				location2="location dick" location3="location harry"
				price="19.99" availableQty="0" reservedQty="0"
				profitibility="0.5" miaQty="0" supply="0.0" perDay="25.0"
					<SafetyStockLevel type="Allocation" quantity="10"
					threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/>
					<SafetyStockLevel type="ShipFromStore" quantity="10"
					threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/>
					<SafetyStockLevel type="InStorePickUp" quantity="10"
					threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/>
					<SafetyStockLevel type="InStoreAvailability" quantity="10"
					threshold="5" killEnabled="false"/>

JSON Response


	"itemId": "12-3456789",
	"source": {
		"sourceId": "TMSUS",
		"sourceType": "STORE"
	"storeInventory": {
		"availableQty": 48,
		"reservedQty": 0,
		"miaQty": 21,
		"supply": 0,
		"stores": [
			"locationId": "05088",
			"name": "[1E]Dadeland Mall",
			"itemSku": "item-sku-1",
			"preference": "no anchovies",
			"section": "nose bleed seats",
			"location1": "location tom",
			"location2": "location dick",
			"location3": "location harry",
			"price": 19.99,
			"availableQty": 28,
			"reservedQty": 0,
			"profitibility": 0.5,
			"miaQty": 14,
			"supply": 0.0,
			"perDay": 25.0,
			"ordersPerDay": 25.0,
			"safetyStockLevels": [
				"type": "Allocation",
				"quantity": 10,
				"threshold": 5,
				"killEnabled": false
				"type": "ShipFromStore",
				"quantity": 10,
				"threshold": 5,
				"killEnabled": false
				"type": "InStorePickUp",
				"quantity": 10,
				"threshold": 5,
				"killEnabled": false
				"type": "InStoreAvailability",
				"quantity": 10,
				"threshold": 5,
				"killEnabled": false
			"locationId": "050873",
			"name": "[1E]Brandywine",
			"itemSku": "item-sku-1",
			"preference": "no anchovies",
			"section": "nose bleed seats",
			"location1": "location white",
			"location2": "location blue",
			"location3": "location red",
			"price": 19.99,
			"availableQty": 4,
			"reservedQty": 0,
			"profitibility": 0.5,
			"miaQty": 0,
			"supply": 0.0,
			"perDay": 25.0,
			"ordersPerDay": 25.0,
			"safetyStockLevels": [
				"type": "Allocation",
				"quantity": 10,
				"threshold": 5,
				"killEnabled": false
				"type": "ShipFromStore",
				"quantity": 10,
				"threshold": 5,
				"killEnabled": false
				"type": "InStorePickUp",
				"quantity": 10,
				"threshold": 5,
				"killEnabled": false
				"type": "InStoreAvailability",
				"quantity": 10,
				"threshold": 5,
				"killEnabled": false
			"locationId": "05519",
			"name": "[1E]Gelleria Dallas",
			"itemSku": "item-sku-1",
			"preference": "no anchovies",
			"section": "nose bleed seats",
			"location1": "location moe",
			"location2": "location larry",
			"location3": "location curley",
			"price": 19.99,
			"availableQty": 16,
			"reservedQty": 0,
			"profitibility": 0.5,
			"miaQty": 7,
			"supply": 0.0,
			"perDay": 25.0,
			"ordersPerDay": 25.0,
			"safetyStockLevels": [
				"type": "Allocation",
				"quantity": 10,
				"threshold": 5,
				"killEnabled": false
				"type": "ShipFromStore",
				"quantity": 10,
				"threshold": 5,
				"killEnabled": false
				"type": "InStorePickUp",
				"quantity": 10,
				"threshold": 5,
				"killEnabled": false
				"type": "InStoreAvailability",
				"quantity": 10,
				"threshold": 5,
				"killEnabled": false
		"locationId": "05079",
		"name": "[1E]Woodfield Shipping Center",
		"itemSku": "item-sku-1",
		"preference": "no anchovies",
		"section": "nose bleed seats",
		"location1": "location tom",
		"location2": "location dick",
		"location3": "location harry",
		"price": 19.99,
		"availableQty": 0,
		"reservedQty": 0,
		"profitibility": 0.5,
		"miaQty": 0,
		"supply": 0.0,
		"perDay": 25.0,
		"ordersPerDay": 25.0,
		"safetyStockLevels": [
			"type": "Allocation",
			"quantity": 10,
			"threshold": 5,
			"killEnabled": false
			"type": "ShipFromStore",
			"quantity": 10,
			"threshold": 5,
			"killEnabled": false
			"type": "InStorePickUp",
			"quantity": 10,
			"threshold": 5,
			"killEnabled": false
			"type": "InStoreAvailability",
			"quantity": 10,
			"threshold": 5,
			"killEnabled": false


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